

Avenue Residence

Perform engineering calculations on the construction design, prepare the minimum waste emitter and make cuts in their factory.

Project date


Completed Projects

Avenue Residence

Perform engineering calculations on the construction design, prepare the minimum waste emitter and make cuts in their factory.

Project date


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Global Town

Манай компани яг одоо 2021 оноос эхлэн үйлчилгээ болон орон сууцны зориулалттай 22 давхар Глобал таун төслийн металл болон шилэн фасадны ажлыг ОХУ-ын угсармал системийн дагуу дэлхийн зах зээлд тэргүүлэх брэндийн металл хавтанг ашиглан угсaрч гүйцэтгэж байна.

Project date


Ongoing Projects

Global Town

Манай компани яг одоо 2021 оноос эхлэн үйлчилгээ болон орон сууцны зориулалттай 22 давхар Глобал таун төслийн металл болон шилэн фасадны...

Project date


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Company Roadmap

Since 2018, Amno Construction LLC has been working exclusively on the construction of metal facades outside the building, importing materials from Russia, Japan and China and importing all the necessary materials for the assembly, and performing it according to Russian quality technology.
2004Founded and received a state registration certificate
2007Construction equipment and heavy machinery have been ordered from Korea
2009For the first time, the Korean brand Chilman introduced waterproof rubber paint to the Mongolian market and made a regular use
2016During this time, our company consistently worked on interior and exterior designs, interior and exterior decorations, and construction materials trading
2017Became the official representative of Japanese NICHIHA brand exterior facade fiberboard in Mongolia with a 100-year warranty
2018We’ve started importing German metal facades for buildings from Russia and China and started to cut and bend them in our factory.
2020Launched a study on the introduction of aluminum facade suspension systems in Mongolia in accordance with the Russian SIAL brand exterior facade installation technology
2021Became the official distributor of SIBALUX brand aluminum panels of Russia

Ourwork force

Office team

  • Senior Accountant
  • Inventory accountant
  • Human Resources Manager
  • General Operations Manager

Engineering team

  • Graphic engineer
  • Construction site engineer
  • Factory engineer
  • Technology engineer
  • Occupational safety engineer

Material supply team

  • Building Treasurer
  • Procurement Manager
  • Factory tailor

Construction team

  • With a staff of 24 people, we can contract with the facade installation team to train our technology if needed.